WIC Recipients can receive special checks to spend with select farmers!
The Farmers Market Nutrition Program provides low income WIC recipients (FMNP) with three – $10 checks ($30 total) to spend with approved farmers across Pennsylvania. It’s a great opportunity to enjoy fresh, nutritious, unprepared fruits, vegetables, and herbs. Several Indiana County Farmers’ Market vendors accept FMNP checks!
Spend your FMNP at our market and we’ll give you Market Money to spend some more!
How to get your FMNP Checks

Receive the benefit during your quarterly WIC visit (May – September)
WIC of Indiana County
1099 Oak Street
Indiana, PA 15701

Spend your checks at a vendor near you. Please consider spending at the Indiana County Farmers’ Market–we’ll match your checks for more spending!
Funding provided by USDA Specialty Crop AM200100XXXXG065